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Jun 30, 2023

Driven by both evolutionary instincts and societal hierarchies, we all have a natural inclination to position ourselves as “special” or somehow superior to others. While receiving praise or other confirmation of our positive attributes can quickly boost our happiness and self-esteem, it can also become addictive –...

Jun 23, 2023

Many of us have been taught that the emotions we experience – particularly those that are considered negative, such as anger, fear, and sadness – are less valuable and socially acceptable than our rational thoughts. As a result, we often repress and avoid our emotions rather than paying attention to what they may be...

Jun 17, 2023

Given the rapid pace of change in today’s world, the average worker may expect to be laid off three times over the course of their career. While the experience of being downsized is no longer uncommon, it can elicit a range of emotions, from resentment and shame to excitement for the new opportunities ahead. If you...

Jun 10, 2023

Many organizations today have workforces that include up to four generations: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. With each generation tending to have different values and motivations (as well as stereotypes about members of the other generations), organizations may struggle to keep employees of all ages...

Jun 2, 2023

When faced with a challenge or decision, are you more likely to take time to think it over thoroughly, consider how you feel about the situation, or take action as soon as possible based on your gut instincts? According to Enneagram philosophy, these options represent our three centers of intelligence: thinking,...